Part 3
Now than Angie had eaten, rested and was now clean and dressed, Martha decided it was time to have a serious talk with the mysterious girl. She led Angie into the charming little living room of her apartment and sat her down on the sofa next to her. “Alright, Angie, I’m a generous person and a good Christian, but if I am going to help you there are some things that I need to know. Do you understand? Can I ask you a few questions?”
Angie wasn’t sure where this was going and just replied “Okay.”
Pleased that Angie was cooperating Martha smiled “First, where are you from? You don’t look like you have been on the streets long. Are you running away from home? Is there someone who is missing you?”
Thinking quickly Angie gave Martha details from a character she had played in a made for TV movie that never saw the light of day. “No, no one is looking for me. My mother raised me by herself and she recently had a mental breakdown and had to be put into an institution. The state found me a foster home but it was horrible so I told them I was leaving, but they could keep the state stipend if they didn’t report me missing.”
Martha just shook her head at the sad story. Angie wasn’t sure if she was being believed or not. “How long ago was that? How have you been surviving?” Martha asked.
Recalling more details from the movie Angie filled her in. “That was three weeks ago. I‘ve found temporary work here and there. Nothing good or long term, but often a meal and a place to sleep for a few nights and I’ve gotten by.”
“That’s a sad story,” Martha said wiping away a tear “But more or less what I had expected and it could have been far worse. At least you haven’t fallen into a state of ill repute or drug use… right?”
“No ma’am,” Angie told Martha quickly. Something about the woman told her that the smack on her bottom she had gotten when she had apparently lied about her age to her would be nothing compared to what she would receive if the lady thought she had done anything unsavory.
“Well that’s a relief at least,” Martha smiled and patted Angie gently on the head. “And now you’re here and I won’t let anything bad happen to you. You trust me and we’ll get thing turned around for you, okay?”
“Ummm... thank you,” Angie replied not knowing really how to respond to such a generous offer. In her business no one did anything for free. Martha was truly a kind and decent woman.
Her guest’s situation now more or less clear, at least in her mind, Martha then went into the kitchen to make lunch as Angie had slept almost until noon. Angie didn’t really know her way around a kitchen. She had never been taught to cook, never made her own meals, and had certainly never cleaned up. Martha however didn’t mind showing her what was what and before she knew it, Angie found herself taking out the dishes, peeling potatoes, and chopping up vegetables. They then had a delightful lunch, Martha doing most of the talking, telling Angie all about her career as a baker, now dead husband Albert, and her three grown children.
Afterward Angie helped Martha clean up and wash the dishes. When they were done with that Martha announced that she had a cake to bake for a friend who had just had a baby. She needed several things from the store and wondered if Angie could run down and get them for her. Angie was a bit leery of going back out on the street, particularly dressed as she now was, but she said that she would, it was the least she could do. Pleased, Martha grabbed her purse and counted out forty dollars, and gave that along with a list to Angie. “Don’t be long now,” Martha told her “I need to have the cake over to my friend’s apartment by four.”
“No problem, I’ll be right back,” Angie replied with a smile.
Down on the streets though she found she was less certain as to what she would do next. With the money Martha had given her she could head back into Manhattan and her life as an adult pop star. On the other hand though, she had wanted some time away from all that and Martha had said she could stay with her. She seemed nice enough even if she did think Angie was only fourteen. Plus she had trusted Angie and after all Martha had done for her she didn’t feel like she could betray her.
So Angie found herself walking not to the bus station, but to the corner market instead. There she looked at the list and found everything she had been sent to purchase. At the register the old clerk, Mr. Pulaski, who was also the owner asked if she was new to the neighborhood. Angie replied that she was and that she was staying with Martha. Mr. Pulaski told her that he had known Martha since then time she was her age. Then he asked if she would be attending PS 113 or would she be going to the nearby Catholic girls school like Martha had.
“I really don’t know, I’ll have to ask Martha,” Angie replied genuinely having given such an idea absolutely no thought. Then she wondered if Martha would expect her to attend school? If she though Angie was only 14 she might and the thought sent shivers down her spine. Attend school at her age?
Saying goodbye to Mr. Pulaski, Angie then hefted the bags and brought what she had been sent to get back to the apartment. Martha it seemed was quite pleased to see her, smiled heartily, and tied a little apron around her so she could help her cook. Happy that she made the right decision Angie happily accepted the apron and said “What can I do? I don’t know much about cooking.”
“No problem, sweetie, you can be a big help by stirring this bowl of frosting.” Martha replied pulling a little stool up to the counter so Angie could stand on it and stir the aforementioned bowl frosting without standing on her tip toes and stretching.
“Okay, I can do that,” Angie replied nervously as she mounted the stool and picked up the wooden spoon.
“Just stir it good and make sure to mix in all the stuff on the sides.”
“Alright I can do that I think,” Angie said as she cautiously began stirring the big bowl.
And she did. They cooked for the next couple hours making contented small talk about this and that. Angie learned that Martha owned a restaurant that served German food and was also a bakery. She was also a widow and loved her family intensely.
When the cake came out of the oven Martha put in on a tray and they began to ice it. As they did this Martha laid out the rules Angie would have to obey while she lived there. Number one was that Martha was in charge. What she said went and that was final. Number two was that Angie was a child and would be treated as one of her own. That meant she would have daily chores, attend church, have a curfew and a bedtime, dress appropriately, have good manners, and work hard. Number three was that if Angie was naughty or didn’t follow the rules she would be punished.
Angie hadn’t had rules like these since she became a house hold name at sixteen for being on that reality TV show. She had been discovered out of thousands of applicants and coached until she could sing and perform reasonably well. She liked being able to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Still she had decided to stay and be a normal person again for at least a while so she agreed. “I’ll do whatever you say, Martha,” she assured her host.
“I’m so glad and I think you are doing the right thing. The street is no place for a little girl like you.” Martha proclaimed. “Now the cake is almost done. All we need to do is decorate it and take it over to my friend’s. I can handle that. In the meantime why don’t you go into your room, that’s right Joanne’s room is your room as long as you are staying here, and put on the clothes I laid out on the bed for you. I want you to look nice.”
“Um, okay,” Angie replied and went to what was now her room.
Thanks for the new part. I love it!
Angie might be in for a shock when she finds what Martha has planned. Cannot wait for more.
This is somehow heartwarming to read. I wish there were more as I'm curious what'll happen to little Angie. Thank you for the story!
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