Sunday, February 12, 2017

Caption: Midterms


Sir Spankalot (AusDpr) said...

Fun. :D

Asif said...

A very nice, little tale. Really enjoyed it.

Sean McQuinn said...

Nice caption, good to see you back :) poor attorney, I'm sure she will enjoy her time in school

Anonymous said...

Can't believe I missed this and glad to see you back.

Great picture, the worried/horny bite of the lip, the cute uniform, the little flash of panties. The caption is great too, building a sense of her life and then how it turned around with excellent little details at the end: the boredom, the nerves, the biting of nails and the that lovely little kick at the end about being horny.

I suspect when she seeks to relieve that horny tension, things will only get worse for her.