Sunday, June 30, 2013

Story: Foreign Exchange (Part 1)

Foreign Exchange
Part 1


The time had finally come. It was September 5th and there was one very excited high school junior in New York. Her name was Amber Smith and she was eagerly looking forward to her upcoming trip to Vulkania. She was going as part of the foreign student exchange program. Her first choice had been France, but that of course had been everyone's first choice. So Amber ended having to accept living and studying abroad in the first place the exchange company had a place for her. That was okay with her though. She had seen the brochures and tape the Vulkanian exchange program had sent her. Their country looked lovely and full of culture and scenic beauty. Of course Amber was only interested in two things; getting fucked and getting fucked up. Her mother was nice and all but she could be a bit overbearing at times. She always wanted to make sure her daughter was safe, not hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking or having unprotected sex. Amber looked forward to a year of total freedom in a European socialist paradise.

Her mother, Donna, came to see how her packing was coming shortly before they had to leave or the airport. She reminded Amber to hurry up as the flight was in just over 2 hours and it would take at least a half hour to get to the airport. Her mother, father and brother and older sister were of course coming to the airport to see her off. Amber told her mother she understood and went back to trying to close her suitcase. As always she had over packed and couldn't get everything in her luggage.

Donna watched her daughter as she struggled to get the last case closed. She had urged Amber not to pack too much as she would also buy clothes overseas and her daughter said she wouldn't, but Donna then remembered that it would be almost 9 months before she saw her precious youngest daughter again. She would miss her terribly and hoped her daughter felt the same way. She felt that she did, she just hid her feelings well. Relations between mother and daughter at this age were always strained like this she mused. She remembered being headstrong and arrogant with her own mother when she was Amber's age. Amber even looked a lot like she did when she was her age. She was quite pretty; she had long, straight dark brown hair, firm medium sized breasts, and a fine clear complexion. Donna gave her daughter one final glance and left before Amber noticed her still in the door frame watching her. She was at a fine age for traveling and would have a great host family to take care of her when she arrived in Vulkania. She had read their dossier and seen pictures and everything. She knew her daughter would have a great time overseas.

Three flights and 16 hours later a very exhausted Amber finally arrived in Vulkania. By the time she found her luggage and went through customs it was nighttime on the next day there. She began to get worried after lugging all of her suitcases behind her through the old terminal building for about an hour and not seeing anyone there to pick her up. Then she finally found her ride. A middle aged woman by the road held a sign with her name on it and introduced herself in bad English. Her clothing was more then a little out of fashion, and she was a bit stocky but she seemed to try her best to look good. Her name was Magda and she was Amber's host mother. She gave Amber what she felt was a very perfunctory hug and then hurriedly ushered her into the waiting cab. They spoke little on the way to her new home for the next year. Magda's English was that bad. Amber didn't mind though, she was very tired. She actually dozed off a little on the way and would have been totally out had the ride not been so bumpy.

When they arrived, a number of scruffy looking men Amber took to be homeless helped them take her luggage into the big apartment building. Her mother had said the host family lived in a nice suburban house. She figured her mother must have been mistaken though and thought nothing more of it. Magda led her inside and up to the apartment on the fourth floor. As it was quite late Magda explained she would leave the lights off and they would just slip into bed. She would introduce Amber to everyone and get her settled in the next morning. Amber agreed that was a good idea and they crept into the dark apartment as quietly as possible.

Magda led her carefully around so as not wake anything or run into anything. Once in a room with a bed, which was all Amber could make out at the moment she told Amber to make ready for bed. To Amber's astonishment her host mother even began to help her undress. Amber began to protest that this was unnecessary and in fact unwanted, but Magda didn't seem to understand. Not wanting to make too much of a fuss and possibly wake up her new host family Amber gave up and let the odd foreign lady help her prepare for bed. Perhaps it was a custom of Vulkania she mused.

When Amber was down to just her panties and bra having kicked off her shoes Magda turned down the sheets on the bed. She was then told to get in while Magda fiddled with something in the dark. Happy to rest her weary body Amber complied and climbed under the blankets. It was much cooler there in Vulkania in September then it was in California and the apartment didn't seem to have its heat on.

Amber was just about to doze off when she felt something odd. Someone was sliding into bed next to her. A bit startled Amber turned to find Magda in bed with her. She had undressed to her underwear as well and was getting cozy like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. More then a little troubled Amber found herself torn whether or not to say anything about this intrusion on her personal space. She was certain it was just another cultural thing she had not been made aware of though. Sleeping in the same bed as your guest was probably common in this country. She would straighten things out in the morning she decided and shrugged it off and went to sleep.

Amber awoke late the following day. She had been very tired apparently. Magda was nowhere to be seen. Sitting up and stretching she found things looked a lot different in the light of day. The bedroom she was in was very small. The wallpaper was old and faded and peeling in a number of places. It had only one small window and that was largely taken up by an old air conditioning unit. Upon looking at the bed she had slept in she also found it to be a rather shabby mattress and box lying atop a homemade wooden base. She had certainly had better accommodations, but she went with the flow. She knew things weren't quite as good in other parts of the world.

Standing up she found she couldn't find her clothes. Magda must have put them somewhere she figured, but where was a mystery. There were no drawers or cabinets in the little room and the small closet had nothing but an old sewing machine and ironing board in it. As awkward as it was she found herself throwing a sheet off the bed around herself and stepping out of the little room with the intent of finding Magda or her clothes.

The little apartment was thick with tobacco smoke and none too clean Amber noticed as she found herself in the short hall that led to the rest of the domicile. She heard talking in the main room and walked that way. Entering she saw an old man asleep in a stuffed chair, three women she didn't recognize but that could easily be Magda's kin and Magda herself sitting at a small table. On the table stood a bottle of wine, some bread, some cheese, and what looked like the carcass of a chicken. Shyly and blushing profusely, Amber tried to get Magda's attention. When she did her host mother hopped up and came to bring Amber reluctantly up to the table so she could meet the women. Their English proved to be worse then Magda's though and all she could discern was that they were some kind of family of Magda's and their names. The disheveled one with the bad teeth was Lida, The one with the bad perm was Dana and the fat one wearing the laddered stockings was Riba.

Introductions over Amber tried to ask her where her clothes were but couldn't seem to get the idea across. Even as she thought she was making progress Magda shewed her into the bathroom. Then before she knew what was going on her host mother started to run a bath for her. Urgently she explained as best she could that the hot water only came at certain parts of the day. Amber understood what the woman was saying and conceded the clothing issue until after her bath. Once again Magda took it upon herself to undress the astonished Amber. This time she started to put up more of a fuss, but it was to no avail. Magda practically ignored her and before Amber knew it she had pulled away the sheet and already undid her bra. Magda motioned in exasperation toward the bath water and Amber gave up. She pulled down her panties and climbed into the water. Magda very motherly gathered up her cast off clothes. Amber was too embarrassed to look at her while she was nude and tried to pretend she wasn't there. Fortunately Magda didn't join her in the tub. Magda left Amber alone in the bathroom finally. Alone at last she finally washed away all the sweat and grime from her long trip and took a nice leisurely bath.

When she was done she stepped out of the bath, dried off and wrapped herself in a towel. She was about to do her hair and makeup, but then remembered all that stuff was in her bags still. All of her makeup and toiletries along with her clothes were in her bags and she didn't know where Magda had put them. Cursing a bit under her breath she went to the bathroom door. She eased it open a bit and called for Magda. Her host mother replied that she was busy at the moment and told Riba to see what Amber needed. A moment later big old Riba lumbered into sight in the hallway outside the bathroom. In a somewhat irritated manner she asked what Magda wanted. Taken aback by Dana's rather rude manner Amber began to think twice about asking her for anything. Riba pressed the issue and demanded to know what Amber was yelling across the apartment about. Somewhat sheepishly and pulling the towel closer to herself under the odd gaze of the fleshy Dana, Amber said she needed her clothes and didn't know where her bags were. Riba said quite emphatically that she understood. She told Amber to stay right where she was and she would bring her some clothes very quickly.

Relieved Amber closed the door and waited. She perched her little bum on the bathroom radiator and tried not to think about all the odd things that had happened on her trip so far. She tried to concentrate on all the fun she was going to have and all the great things she was going to see. Soon enough though Riba returned and burst into the bathroom. She carried with her a little bundle of clothing which she quickly pushed into Amber's hands. She noticed immediately that the clothes weren't hers. She told Riba this, but Riba just shrugged and gave Amber what she took as an assurance they would get everything righted eventually. Riba then left to let Amber dress. Amber then examined the bundle more closely.

The clothing Riba had brought her left much to be desired. They were cheap and had seen better days. They were clean though and close to Amber's size luckily. They must have belonged to one of Magda's daughters or nieces she hadn't seen yet she figured as none of the women she had met so far was anywhere near her size. Shrugging Amber hurried and got dressed. The panties were worn cotton but fit well enough. There was no bra, but at Amber's age and size she could go without for a short time. The dress was some synthetic, off white with tan stripes, short sleeved and pretty short only coming down to her thighs. There were also socks and plastic house slippers. Despite anything else the clothes would keep her warm and were good enough to wear around the shabby little apartment.

When she was finally dressed she went back into the common room to see what was up. Magda, Lida and Dana were nowhere to be seen. Only Riba seemed to be home. She was sitting in the Grandpa's stuffed chair watching some weird Vulkanian TV show. It looked like a bad rip off of the gong show if that was even possible.

Amber said hello. She was hushed and Riba made it clear she shouldn't speak again until the next station break. Amber complied and waited until the next break in the show to speak again. In the meantime she looked for a place to sit. The sofa was the obvious choice, but it was covered in old newspapers and junk she didn't feel like moving. Amber chose instead to sit on the little frayed ottoman next to Riba. She watched the show in silence and tried not to be put off by Riba next to her scratching her large thigh.

Toward the end of the show she felt something touch her hair. Turning quickly she saw it was Riba. She was admiring her long dark hair and stroking it lovingly. She complimented Amber as best she could and she relaxed a bit. The lady just admired her hair, Amber could live with that.

Riba then asked Amber something unintelligible. Seeing that Amber couldn't understand she pantomimed something Amber which was failing as well until she produced a brush. Then Amber thought she understood. Riba wanted to brush her hair apparently. That was okay and she nodded her consent to the older lady.

Riba nodded and proceeded to brush out Amber's long hair as they watched the rest of her game show. She had a hard time reaching Amber though from where she sat. To fix this situation she abruptly grabbed the feet of the ottoman Amber sat upon and pulled it closer to her. She was very strong. Amber was rather surprised and just held on to keep from falling over. Now much closer to the woman and situated with her back between Riba's massive legs Amber began to feel awkward again. Riba simply began brushing her hair again. Once again Amber relaxed under Riba's attention.

The show was almost over and she would be able to ask Riba what was going on then. She realized that would most likely be futile, but at least she could possibly learn where Magda went. Just about then she felt a strange tug and an odd sensation as Riba messed with her hair. What was she doing back there she wondered. Then she heard a snipping sound and she spun around. Her hair slipped out of Riba's hold and she came to see the fat old woman holding a pair of hair shears, a comb and a large lock of Amber's hair. Amber cursed and demanded to know what Riba was doing.

From her startled explanation Amber gathered that she was giving her a little haircut and that Amber had apparently agreed to it accidentally. Crushed Amber then had no choice but to let the overweight foreign woman finish up cutting her hair so it was evened out. When she was done her hair was significantly shorter. It was only shoulder length when it was all evened out. She couldn't believe the strange woman had cut off so much of her beautiful hair. She had though and smiling a bit too jovially at Amber she stuffed the long strands of cut hair in a bag she put in her purse.

Amber couldn't believe it. The woman had cut her hair not to make her look better or to make her more comfortable. She had cut it so she could sell it! She had heard of people doing such things, but in the states it was considered assault and battery. This place is crazy she cried and ran back into her room and slammed the door. It had no lock so she couldn't secure it but she was reasonably sure Riba was done with her. So alone she cried into a pillow and wished she was back home. Why did she ever come to this god forsaken place she wondered?

She ended up falling asleep and missing dinner.

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