Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Story: Unwise

by Tcheser

"Okay," Rebecca Carlyle said to herself. "This is a bit ridiculous."

She looked at her reflection in the teachers' lounge restroom mirror.

"I agreed to wear a school girl type outfit so I wouldn't appear as quite a threat to my new students, but this isn't what I thought it would be."

Her lip curled in irritation as she looked herself up and down. She had planned to make a good impression on her first day teaching at the exclusive and very remote boarding school. Dressed as she was though she was far from impressive. From toe to crown she looked just like a schoolgirl of no more then fifteen. From the plaid hair band that matched the plaid jumper dress, and the short-sleeved starched white cotton blouse with its rounded collar and school tie, to her white cotton tights and saddle shoes she was almost totally indistinguishable from one of the students at the boarding school.

She was quite petite, never really needed a bra for her perky little A cups and had an extraordinarily youthful face considering she was 25. Her lips were thin, her cheeks rosy and to her chagrin she still had a sprinkling of delicate freckles across her nose and below her eyes. Normally she covered these with makeup, but Ms. Wallace, the fellow teacher who had talked her into wearing the uniform on her first day had also advised her not to wear makeup today. Rebecca didn't think any part of this plan to better relate to her students was very wise now. Cursing for letting Ms. Wallace talk her into this she left the restroom with the intention of telling Ms. Wallace that this wasn't working and changing back into the sharp pant suit and heels she had worn to the school this morning.

To Rebecca's horror though she found upon entering the teachers' lounge that her suit and indeed all her belongings were gone from where she left them. Ms. Wallace was also gone. Where Rebecca had no idea but she assumed that where she found Ms. Wallace she would find her belongings. Stepping carefully into the hall she was nevertheless almost run over by students rushing to and fro. Rebecca had spent longer in the restroom then she had realized. Not wanting to go out dressed as she was she quickly stepped back into the lounge to wait them out.

Soon enough, but not nearly soon enough for Rebecca, the bell rang and the girls hurried off to their classes. To be extra careful Rebecca waited until she heard the second bell before venturing out into the hall again. When she did she found it deserted. She breathed a sigh of relief and started down the hall to the office. If Ms. Wallace wasn't there they could at least tell her where she was or page her. Soon Donna would have her own clothes back and could forget this whole stupid idea. Which was good since she had a class to teach second period.

As she walked she was startled to find how incredibly uncomfortable the uniform was. The wool jumper itched, the neck of the blouse and tie were too tight for comfort, and the cotton tights were surprisingly warm. Even the shoes were an annoyance. They were almost flat heeled and very rigid making walking briskly difficult and despite being her size they pinched her toes something awful. She made up her mind then and there that she would have to say something to the headmaster if this is what the students had to put up with.

Finally reaching the office she opened quickly and went inside. She was met by a young secretary and a woman she took to be another teacher currently doing some filing. They both looked up in surprise to see her. Rebecca was the first to speak.

"Hi, I know this looks weird, but I swear by god it wasn't my idea-" she began but was cut off as the teacher crossed the room quickly and took her roughly by the arm. Forcing Rebecca's palm out face up she slapped it hard with a ruler. Rebecca cringed in pain and whimpered like a stung schoolgirl.

"You know we don't allow swearing or any such blasphemy at this school, young lady," she scolded Rebecca harshly.

"I'm sorry," was all Rebecca could muster before the angry woman.

"Yes, you better be, next time you'll get the paddle," the teacher told her seriously. Rebecca shuddered at the thought. She knew the school used corporal punishment, but she never thought she might end up on the receiving end of it. "My name is Ms. Rand, now just who are you and what are you doing out of class?" the teacher interrogated Rebecca. She still had her strong wrist wrapped around Rebecca's petite arm, forcing her palm out and the ruler was still ready, Rebecca noticed.

"My name is Rebecca. I'm a new-" she began trying to explain again her unlikely situation as quickly as possible so this horrible farce would end, but she was cut off once again by the teacher.

"A new student, I thought so. Becky Butler, right? We've been expecting you," Ms. Rand said as she dragged Rebecca around to the counter where the secretary sat. "When you didn't arrive earlier we assumed you weren't coming, but I see your mother did the right thing after all. You're late though, that's 2 demerits. Get 20 and it's punishment."

"No, no, I'm not Becky Butler, I'm a teacher- Owww!" Rebecca tried to explain again and got another slap on her palm with the ruler. It really stung.

"Enough of that Becky, be quiet and still while we pull up your records and get you set up for the day," Ms. Rand told her while she pushed her over to a corner behind the desk in the corner. In it was a low stool. "Sit there and don't say a word until we're finished or it's the paddle for you!"

Reluctantly Rebecca did as she was told. Humbly she turned and lowered herself down on the stool. It was really quite small and Rebecca wondered if it wasn't some sort of punishment device in itself. In this position the other two women looked huge and she felt tiny. It did wonders she found at eroding her self esteem. Not to mention the fact that in this position her knees were almost even with her chest surely giving anyone who wished a lovely view of her childish white cotton school panties. She tried to keep her knees together and spread her feet to obscure the view, but was certain this only made her look more ridiculous. She could scarcely believe the day she was having so far.

So wrapped up in her astonishment at her current predicament Rebecca found herself paying little attention to what the two other women were saying. Only the mention of Ms. Wallace brought her back to attention.

"-yes, it's a shame about Ms. Wallace," the young secretary said.

"A shame, a bloody travesty, I can't believe she was mugged and beaten just outside the school. What is the world coming to. She's in intensive care you know, that's what the ambulance driver said, and there's no sign at all of who attacked her." Ms. Rand seemed baffled. Rebecca was horrified. Ms. Wallace, the woman who got her into this was her only contact at the school. She had been hired sight unseen at Ms. Wallace's recommendation. She was the only person who currently knew who Rebecca really was.

"Terrible, just terrible," the secretary added and then handed Ms. Rand a stack of papers. "Here's Becky's paperwork and schedule."

"Thanks," Ms. Rand said before turning to scowl again at the naughty girl in the corne. "Alright, let's get you ready for class, here's your schedule, dorm assignment, list of school rules-" she began to explain when Rebecca decided she could take no more.

"I'm not this damn Becky!" she screamed and jumped off the stool in frustration. She intended to stand her ground against this annoying woman this time. She would put her foot down and not let up until she understood she had made a mistake and apologized.

Unfortunately it didn't work out that way. Rebecca underestimated the toll sitting on the low stool in such an uncomfortable position would have on her legs. They gave out hilariously as she stood up, making her lose her balance and fall directly into the older teacher. She was caught fortuanately, saving her from plummeting to the ground.

The older teacher didn't seem one bit amused at Rebecca's outburst or pratfall. Holding Becky limp before her she towered over the unlucky petite woman as she shook her head in displeasure. "Hold my calls Tina," she said over her shoulder to the secretary. "I have a very naughty young student to see to."

Flustered and embarrassed Rebecca wasn't sure what was going on. That is until Tina offered Ms. Rand her chair. She then started to fight the larger and stronger woman for all it was worth, but it was fruitless and she was dragged to the offered chair. There Ms. Rand sat and pulled poor Rebecca across her lap. Expertly she pinned one arm against her and held the other tightly behind Rebecca's back.

Helpless now, Ms. Rand threw Rebecca's short pleated skirt up over her back exposing her tights and cotton panties. Despite being 25 she looked juvenile enough that Ms. Rand saw no reason to halt her course of action. Rebecca yelled and screamed though. She couldn't believe what was happening and wanted no part of it. She wasn't one of those weird people who got off on this sort of thing. She had never in fact ever been spanked. Starting now seemed obscene and totally unfair. Especially as she had not really done anything wrong in her mind.

"You were very bad from the minute you came in this office young lady," Ms. Rand admonished Rebecca. "And you know what that means, right?"

"Fuck you, you old hag. My name is Rebecca," Rebecca cursed and tried again to escape but was wholly unsuccessful.

"No, Becky. It means these have to come down," Ms. Rand replied sternly as she fingered the waistband of Rebecca's childish tights and panties.

"Noooooo," Rebecca cried and cursed again as Ms. Rand pulled the offensive white cotton tights down to her knees hampering her struggles quite efficiently. This was of course followed by the equally humiliating act of Ms. Rand pulling down Rebecca's white cotton school panties. No matter how unflattering and uncomfortable she thought they were, losing them in this position to this strange woman was far worse. Then the hand came down and the spanking began.

These forty smacks from Ms. Rand's strong hand on her bare bottom hurt a lot more than Rebecca had imagined they would. By the end her smooth little bottom was very warm and pink. Rebecca however was still defiant. She called Ms. Rand all sorts of names and vowed to get her back for this. Then the secretary opened a drawer in the desk at Ms. Rand's signal and handed her an old oaken paddle from its interior. With this tool Ms. Rand began the real spanking.

Rebecca soon learned that the hand spanking she had just had was nothing compared to receiving the paddle. When the fortieth paddle spanking finally landed Rebecca was awash in pain and guilt and humiliation. Her struggles had petered out to childish squirming and her curses to heartfelt pleas for Ms. Rand to stop, that she was sorry, she would be a better little girl. Tears ran freely down her face and snot mingled with it and dribbled down her chin to the floor.

Humiliated and pained to the point of numbness Rebecca allowed herself to be pulled off Ms. Rand's lap where she was stood against the wall while Tina pulled back up her panties and tights none too gently onto her sore inflamed posterior. Tina could tell after seeing a number of girls punished that after what Rebecca just received she wouldn't be any trouble for some time. What was strange was that she was right. The part of Rebecca that had screamed to be acknowledged as an adult and rebel against the strict rules she found herself in was quiet. It was stunned into silence for now.

1 comment:

Sean McQuinn said...

a brilliant story, i don't suppose a sequel is in the works is it? i would love to see what she had to endure when the shock of the spanking session wore off and she tried to protest her identity again. how long would her friend be in intensive care? would she recognize her by the time she returns?